High Triglycerides: What to Eat, What Not to Eat
When it comes to blood triglycerides, carbohydrates have a predominant impact on their levels. According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry:
"Since triglycerides are circulating forms of fat in the blood, you might think that a high-fat diet will raise triglycerides and a low-fat diet would lower triglycerides. However, carbohydrate appears to be the most important dietary predictor of triglycerides. Diets high in carbohydrates, especially sugar, lead to increases in triglycerides."
As foods are within your control, a significant drop in your blood triglycerides level should occur in four to six weeks - if you follow a strict sugar-free and alcohol-free eating plan.
First Things First: "Foods" to Avoid
The following foods are so bad for your body that there is no any reason to eat them. Not only do they have zero nutritional value, but they also give your body quite a dose of toxins.
- fried in vegetable oils, therefore, high in trans fat (store-bought doughnuts contain 35-40 per cent trans fat!),
- high in sugar (an average doughnut contains about 200-300 calories, mostly from sugar, and few other nutrients),
- full of white flour (in most varieties).
Nutritionally speaking, eating a doughnut is one of the worst ways to start off your day. It will through off your blood sugar and won’t stay with you so you’ll be hungry again soon. You are better off eating no breakfast at all...
Soda (Regular and "Diet")
- high in sugar (one can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar - 150 calories),
- high in caffeine (30 to 55 mg of caffeine per one can of soda),
- loaded with artificial food colors and sulphites,
- filled with harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame - NutraSweet, Equal (in the "diet" varieties).
Nutritionally speaking, drinking soda leads to nutrient deficiencies, osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease; yet, the average American drinks an estimated 56 gallons of soft drinks each year (!)
Especially threatening is the consumption of soft drinks among children. Unfortunately, schools often make marketing deals with leading soft drink companies in exchange for their students’ health (most school hallways are lined with soda-filled vending machines!).
PLEASE NOTE: One of the simplest and most profound health improvements, including lowering your blood triglycerides level, you can make is to eliminate soda from your diet.
French Fries (Nearly All Commercially Fried Foods)
- high in trans fat (potatoes cooked at high temperatures in vegetable oils),
- high in free radicals harmful to the body,
- high in acrylamide (up to 82 mcg per serving), a potent cancer-causing chemical formed as a result of unknown chemical reactions during
- high-temperature frying or baking.
Nutritionally speaking, consuming foods that are fried in vegetable oils contributes to aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer and weight gain.
PLEASE NOTE: One French fry is worse for your health than... one cigarette, so you may want to consider this before you order your next ‘Biggie’ order.
Chips (Corn, Potato, Tortilla, etc.)
- high in trans fat (present in most commercial chips),
- high carcinogenic acrylamide (up to 25 mcg per serving).
Fried Non-Fish Seafood (Shrimp, Clams, Oysters, Lobsters, etc.)
- high in trans fat,
- high in carcinogenic acrylamide,
- high in mercury,
- contaminated with parasites and resistant viruses (they may not even be killed with high heat).
Eating these scavenger animals gives you with every bite a quadruple dose of toxins.
"Healthy" Foods to Avoid
The following five foods are widely known as generally “healthy” foods, but as you’ll soon read, you’re much better off without them.
Wheat Bread
Wheat bread should NOT be considered a healthy or necessary part of the diet. Wheat is often contaminated with mycotoxins and no matter what the form, wheat, whole wheat, cracked wheat, sprouted wheat, etc., they will all be capable of causing the same problems including: celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, miscarriages, headaches, infertility, developmental delay in children, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Intolerance to wheat is far more common than doctors typically recognize. Also wheat, and nearly all other grains, rapidly convert to sugar and rapidly accelerate aging and chronic illness in most, although certainly not all of us.
Unless you are seriously underweight, most of us would best be served by limiting or avoiding wheat altogether.
Rest assured that if you indulge in grains to excess you are heading for any number of diseases. With no doubt, avoiding wheat will likely mean an increased level of health for you.
Vegetable Oil
Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, safflower and canola , are the worst oils you can eat, as generally Americans’ intake of omega-6 fat from these vegetable oils is far too high.
Experts looking at the dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which are the healthy fats found in fish oil and cod liver oil, suggest that in early human history the ratio was about 1:1.
Currently most Americans eat a dietary ratio that falls between 20:1 and 50:1. The optimal ratio is most likely closer to the original ratio of 1:1. For most of us this means greatly reducing the omega-6 fatty acids we consume and increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.
Further, polyunsaturated oils are the worst oils to cook with because they tend to become easily oxidized or rancid when exposed to heat from cooking. This results in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals.
Unfortunately, the truly healthy oil, coconut oil, is regarded as the ‘dangerous’ oil and vegetables oils are regarded as healthy, when it should be the other way around.
In recent years soy has emerged as a ‘near perfect’ food, with supporters claiming it can provide an ideal source of protein, lower cholesterol, protect against cancer and heart disease, reduce menopause symptoms, and prevent osteoporosis, among other things.
However, numerous studies have found that soy products may:
- Increase the risk of breast cancer in women, brain damage in both men and women, and abnormalities in infants.
- Contribute to thyroid disorders, especially in women.
- Promote kidney stones.
- Weaken the immune system,
- Cause severe, potentially fatal food allergies.
Perhaps the most disturbing of soy’s ill effects on health has to do with its phytoestrogens that can mimic the effects of the female hormone estrogen. These phytoestrogens have been found to have adverse effects on various human tissues, and drinking even two glasses of soy milk daily for one month has enough of the chemical to alter a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Soy is particularly problematic for infants, and soy infant formulas should be avoided. It has been estimated that infants who are fed soy formula exclusively receive five birth control pills worth of estrogen every day.
Pasteurized Dairy
Despite the widespread notion that milk is healthy, drinking pasteurized milk is frequently associated with a worsening of health.
This is particularly sad because milk is one of the healthiest foods available prior to its being pasteurized. Raw dairy, as opposed to the pasteurized dairy that is sold in most grocery stores, is something nearly everyone should regularly consume.
The pasteurization process creates many problems in milk. As Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation states:
"Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer."
Unfortunately, raw milk is not commercially available, and you will need to seek out a local dairy farmer as a supplier.
Orange Juice (and All Fruit Juice)
Fruit juice has about eight (8) full teaspoons of sugar per eight-ounce glass. This sugar is typically a fruit sugar called fructose, which is every bit as dangerous as regular table sugar since it will also cause a major increase in insulin levels.
Further, many commercial orange juices are contaminated with mold from damaged fruit that are processed. So if you drink commercial orange juice regularly you will be exposed to these mold toxins.
This doesn’t mean that you should avoid fruit, just fruit juice. When the fruit is intact and whole, its fiber will somewhat moderate the release of fructose into the bloodstream, as well as somewhat moderate insulin release.
However, if you are overweight, have high blood pressure or high blood sugar, it would probably be wise to avoid most fruits until you have these problems under control.
I. Basic Eating Plan: Eliminate or Limit Alcohol and Sugar
Here's the fact: Our brains tend to only register fullness about 20 minutes after our stomachs do.
So eat slowly.
To a great degree, triglyceride production is stimulated by alcohol and sugar. Therefore, your first step in healthy eating means you need to eliminate or limit alcohol and sugar.
Banishing the sugar bowl from the table is an obvious step. However, there are many other sources where sugar is a primary ingredient, including:
- concentrated sweets: table sugar (sucrose), cane sugar, brown sugar, Turbinado sugar, Demerara sugar, powdered sugar, honey, syrups (especially high fructose corn syrup as a substitute sweetener for sucrose-table sugar added to fruit juices, sodas, and other beverages), preserves, molasses, jams, jellies, and candies;
- desserts-baked goods: pies, cakes, cookies, crackers, frosting, pastries, doughnuts, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and regular or sweetened gelatin;
- beverages: fruit juices, fruit drinks, fruit punches, regular sodas, carbonated pop, colas, aid drinks, smoothies, sports drinks, sweetened coffee drinks, mocha, and chocolate drinks;
- high-sweet and sweet fruits (fresh or dried): grape (red and green), raisin, plum, fig, date, pineapple, apricot, melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), banana, orange
- other foods: sweetened cereals, flavored yogurts, and sports or energy bars.
Alcohol such as
- beer
- wine
- hard liquor
- liqueurs (usually sweetened alcoholic liquors).
PLEASE NOTE: A reduction of alcohol intake is crucial in keeping triglycerides in check - just one drink can increase triglycerides in susceptible people. If you have elevated triglycerides and consume alcohol - a reduced intake or not drinking alcohol at all is strongly advised. (And after your triglyceride level returns to normal, you will have to follow a modified sugar and alcohol diet for the rest of your life).
Then you will want to limit your weekly intake of red meat and the way in which it is prepared, especially the frying process. The meat you do eat needs to be in smaller portions and either broiled or roasted.
The same cooking method will apply also to poultry (turkey, chicken). Further, the poultry you buy should preferably be free-range birds.
The third step in your new eating plan will be the addition of more dark green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables also contain compounds known as thylakoids that trigger satiety signals in humans to help people regulate food intake, prevent weight gain, and promote weight loss.
High Triglycerides: The Sugar & Fructose Connection
Sugar is harmful to human health! Unfortunately, many people are actually addicted to sugar. This common phenomenon often is referred to as an intense desire to consume simple sugars, or a carbohydrate or sugar craving.
Ironically, sugar craving is believed to occur as a result of rapid rises and subsequent rapid falls in blood sugar which are caused by -- high consumption of carbohydrates.
In the typical diet of the USA population, the major contributing factors in sugar cravings include:
- Soft drinks - their consumption is responsible for 33 percent of the total content of added (free) simple sugars
- Sweetened grains (primarily breakfast cereals) - their consumption is responsible for 19 percent of the total content of added (free) simple sugars
- Sweets/candy - their consumption is responsible for 17 percent of the total content of added (free) simple sugars
- Fruit drinks - their consumption is responsible for 10 percent of the total content of added (free) simple sugars
- Milk products - their consumption is responsible for 9 percent of the total content of added (free) simple sugars
It should be noted that carbohydrate (sugar) cravings may be also caused by metabolic and nervous system ailments such as hypoglycemia, obesity, bulimia, depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and stress, especially due to worry, injury or disease.
Other possible causes of sugar (carbohydrate) cravings also include pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and candidiasis.
In order to free yourself of the physical addiction, complete avoidance of all sugar is necessary as only total abstinence can resolve the biochemical addiction.
During this transition, however, it is very important to eat every two-three hours to avoid symptoms of hypoglycemia. Otherwise, if you do not eat every 2-3 hours, your blood sugar may "crash" and you will feel horrible. Eating this way for several days (up to several weeks) is absolutely necessary!
Sugar is also a source of excess calories which are being turned into fat - usually, triglycerides, so the fat levels in the blood go up leading to cardiovascular health problems.
II. Advanced Eating Plan for High Triglycerides
It is necessary to change your food habits and preferences by paying more attention to the type, amount, and quality of the foods you eat.
Re-educating your taste buds and re-programming your dietary patterns is not actually hard to do - if you do it right. One good way to do that - although this may require some preplanning - is to make your new food preferences delicious, and the experience fun.
You need to give serious consideration to the following optimal dietary guidelines. At first, they seem hard to follow. However, you do not have to make yourself a social outcast with most of your family and friends, by following all recommendations to the letter.
In fact, this is a relatively easy regimen to follow. One of our clients wrote: "This is the most succinct description of how to lower the triglyceride level I've heard or read. Many thanks! Now I'm confident I can lower my triglyceride level."
Earlier we listed all the forms of sugar to be avoided and the limiting of these sugars is critical! However, there are other forms of sugar, including sugar substitutes, which need elimination:
- Trans fatty acids (all fried foods and margarine),
- Aspartame * (NutraSweet or Equal) - for general health,
- Sucralose ** (Splenda) - for general health,
- MSG - artificial chemical (may not be listed in ingredients),
- All artificial preservatives and chemicals, if possible.
* Aspartame - the technical name for brand names, such as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure - is the common food additive found in thousands of products such as diet soda, yogurt, and over-the-counter medicines. However, this sugar substitute – in fact, a neurotoxin (a chemical poison) - should never have been approved for consumption as it poses a public health threat.
Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US FDA. A few of the 90 (!) different documented symptoms caused by the components of aspartame include: headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain (it actually increases appetite!), rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.
** Sucralose – is a relatively new artificial sweetener. It is a high-intensity sugar substitute which is 50 percent sweeter than aspartame, but less toxic than aspartame. It is sold under the name Splenda™. It is non-caloric and about 600 times sweeter than sucrose (white table sugar), alredy used in a variety of products. In the United States it is approved for the use in 15 food and beferage categories. However, sucralose is not proven safe, nor does it provide any benefit to the public. The only people who benefit from sucralose are the corporations making and using it. It does not help with weight loss, on the contrary it may stimulate appetite. Nor has it been shown to be safe for the environment and, finaly, there are no long-term (12-24 months) human studies on sucralose, similar to the studies undertaken for aspartame several years ago. In fact, its regular use may contribute to serious chronic immunological or neurological disorders.
Further, we recommend you eat less fruit for they are usually high in sugar.
- Fresh and dried fruit such as grapes, red and green, raisins, plums, figs, dates, pineapple, apricot are all high in sugar, too.
- Melons, such as cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon are also high in sugar.
- Bananas and oranges are to be avoided for they prove to be highly allergenic, as well as high in sugar content.
Now, this does not mean eliminating all the fruits. You may choose to eat such fruits as strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, lime, but only in moderation.
Then there are the fruit juices. Avoid all fresh, bottled, store-bought or home-made juices. Their sugar content is also very high.
Earlier in this chapter we recommended you plan on increasing your vegetable consumption.
The following vegetables need to find a major place on your lunch or dinner table.
- Kale, kohlrabi, Swiss chard, spinach;
- Dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, green and red cabbage, broccoli;
- Red and green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, endive;
- Chinese cabbage, bok choy, fennel (anise), celery, cucumbers;
- Cauliflower, escarole, zucchini, brussel sprouts;
- Onions, tomatoes, peppers, parsley.
The rule of thumb is - the greener vegetables, the better! Once again, green leafy vegetables also contain compounds known as thylakoids that trigger satiety signals in humans to help people regulate food intake, prevent weight gain, and promote weight loss.
There are, however, a number of vegetables and grains that are low in nutritional values
and/or high in sugar content:
- Iceberg and head lettuce: low nutritional value;
- Carrots and underground vegetables, especially beet roots - high in sugar;
- White or red potatoes, beets - high in sugar;
- Corn: popcorn, chips (it is a grain, not a vegetable; any food that has corn in top five ingredients);
- Most grains - especially wheat (including durham flour and semolina), rye, barley;
- Lower other grains intake: rice (brown, short grain, and white), millet, spelt, kamut, oats, quinoa, teff, amaranth.
Then there is chewing gum, which is a source of sugar or artificial sweeteners and wastes digestive enzymes.
Your meal plans should also include healthy fats – yes, fat can be good for you! These include Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA:
- Cod liver oil - especially during the winter, early spring and late fall months;
- High quality fish oil - preferably in capsules (standard size 90/180 mg of EPA and 60/120 mg of DHA);
- Organic flax seeds (not flax oil) - preferably freshly ground and, mixed with salads or sprinkled on vegetables.
There are, however, some oils which need to be avoided. These are ALL vegetable seed oils which are high in omega-6 fatty acids. The exception is cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for salads only, for cooking or stir-frying use virgin coconut oil.
Drink water only – it needs to be the beverage of choice. You may choose:
- Spring water or filtered.
- Well water is generally OK,
- Drink water at room temperature, not chilled or iced, it shuts down the digestive system.
- Lemon and lime juice can be added from time to time for a flavor change.
- Daily intake: Ideally, one quart for every 50 pounds of body weight is the goal for you>
However, the following beverages need to be eliminated from your eating plan:
- Tap water - for general health.
- Softened or distilled water.
- Coffee, tea, colas, diet drinks.
- Milk, especially skim. You can get vitamin D from supplements or sun exposure, while calcium can come from green vegetables or supplements.
So what does this leave you with in the beverage department? In addition to water, vegetable juices are another option:
- Freshly processed vegetable juice.
- Green tea (very limited amounts due to high fluoride content; accumulated by tea leaves from pollution of soil and air, fluoride can also adversely affect the beneficial action of individual antioxidants found in green tea).
Eat Protein
There are many protein foods to be enjoyed with your vegetables, including:
- Meats, preferably grass fed (not grain fed) REAL beef, game meats (venison, buffalo, lamb), free range poultry (chicken, turkey, ostrich).
- Fish - with caution due to possible mercury contamination, preferably summer flounder, fresh, ocean-caught Alaskan salmon, Arctic char (similar to salmon), croaker, sardines, anchovies, haddock, tilapia.
- Eggs - organic ONLY; if poached or sunny-side up (never scrambled!) 3-6 per week, every other day; if raw (Rocky-style) 6-12 per week, every other day.
- Seeds - raw only, unsalted, whole or ground up: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame (or tahini), flax (or flax meal).
- Nuts - raw only, unsalted, whole or ground up (nut butter): cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds and in limited quantities, pecans.
The foods to be avoided in your eating plan are:
- Pork in all its forms: ham, most bacon, pork roast and chops.
- Shellfish: shrimp, lobster, crabs, clams.
- Peanuts – along with any food that contains peanuts.
Beans and Legumes
While beans and legumes are nutritious, in limited quantities, they are not a complete source of protein and are high in carbohydrates. Beans, but not lentils, need soaking for 48-72 hours, rinsing then every 12 hours. They can then be cooked for 8-12 hours in a crock-pot.
If, however, you have to use canned beans, limit their usage, for they have less nutritional value than those cooked fresh. These beans should be purchased from a health food store and organic in source.
The foods to be avoided:
- All soy, unless fermented or sprouted. This includes tofu, soy nuts, isolated soy protein (ISP) - soy milk, soy protein powder, soy flour.
Only miso and tempeh, which is a fermented soy, and soy sprouts are acceptable, and are usually available in a health food store.
If You Don't Want or Need to Lose Weight...
The foods outlined above will generally cause a weight loss. However, if you do not want or need to lose weight, you can increase your intake of the following foods:
- squash,
- low-sweet fruits, such strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, lime,
- seeds,
- long grain brown rice (if fried, with NO oil - as the rice structure changes, the rice sugar is released more slowly),
- quinoa,
- millet,
- yams, and,
- shredded unsweetened coconut, which can be added to some of your meals to increase caloric intake.
Changing Diet Is Not Easy
Transformation is usually stressful, even for a healthy person. Stressed-out and probably confused, you cannot be expected to comply instantly with all the necessary dietary changes.
You may, however, begin with a more liberal plan doing a little at a time; then moving on to a more stringent program. The end result may take longer to achieve, but you will most likely stay on your plan long enough to attain your desired goals.
Or you can start with a more limiting program and then gradually ease into a more lenient one, as tolerated. In both cases, you will be in control of those changes saving yourself much frustration and - time.
Although the dietary restrictions advised to help lower triglycerides may seem hard, it is heartening to realize you can achieve significant reductions without medication - if you put your mind to it.
New Diet: One Day at a Time
By deciding to reduce your intake or eliminate the foods that may be causing your problems, you will take the first significant step towards better health. Knowing the “right” foods to eat can make an amazing difference in your lifestyle and allow you to view it as an adventure in health management.
Taking this adventure one day at a time will make the elimination of reactive or addictive foods much easier and lead to a fully successful recovery. In time, you will be able to enjoy most of your “prohibited” foods again – in moderation, of course.
TGs Formula® II: Advanced Blood Lipid Support
Hello, I'm Andrew Mierzejewski, a master formulator, registered holistic nutritionist and biohealing practitioner with over 20 years of experience. I personally guarantee the quality, efficacy and safety of the supplements recommended here. And I am sure that when taken properly and wisely they can be of great benefit to your health or the health of someone you love or hold dear.
From time to time, you may hear or read scientific reports allegedly showing that such-and-such herb or vitamin doesn't work or may even be harmful to your health.
They are a perfect example of the existing and often uninformed prejudice against nutritional supplements.
We sincerely hope that you do not believe in such anti-supplement nonsense discouraging their use.
TGs Formula II is our new, streamlined and reformulated TGs Formula®, hence its name: TGs Formula II - a specialty naturopathic formulation designed to optimize the metabolism of lipids (fats) in the body ("TGs" stands for "triglycerides").
Therefore, like its predecessor TGs Formula II demonstrates the ability to help:
- reduce the levels of blood triglycerides,
- increase the levels of HDL-"good" cholesterol,
- reduce the levels of LDL-"bad" cholesterol,
- reduce the levels of Lp(a), a killer component of LDL-cholesterol
- correct and optimize the natural processes (biochemical and enzymatic) of fat metabolism,
- stimulate plasma lipoprotein lipase (involved in the catabolism of triglycerides),
- protect the liver against increases in fatty acids, and
- improve the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids in the blood.
TGs Formula II not only keeps the blood fats in check (as drugs do), but actually helps your body rebuild the organs and systems that control your blood lipids - without side effects. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, it is very body-friendly.
TGs Formula II: Mechanism of Action
It should be pointed out that along with lowering high blood triglyceride levels, TGs Formula II also helps to reduce elevated levels of Lipoprotein(a) and LDL-"bad" cholesterol. It is also effective in helping to raise the levels of HDL-"good" cholesterol.
All nutrients in TGs Formula II:
- work by supporting biochemical and enzymatic processes,
- work best in combination with each other (nutrition is like a chain - all of the links have to be strong in order to obtain meaningful results),
- have an effect only if they are absent in the body (a given supplement will likely have no effect unless the person taking it already has a deficiency in that particular factor),
- work gradually and gently over a period of time,
- deal with causes (if a given condition is caused by the lack of specific nutrients, then adding them to the diet will tend to correct the problem, to the extent that any damage done is not irreversible),
- do not require monitoring as closely as do drugs (consequences of nutritional excesses are minimal - there is a wide margin of safety!),
- slow down the degenerative processes in the body caused by deficiency diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
It is important to remember that all ingredients in TGs Formula II are:
- both natural and essential to the body, therefore
- safe (there has never been a single documented fatality caused by taking dietary supplements),
- required by those who need larger amounts of nutritional factors, because of their longer standing deficiencies and/or poor assimilation of nutrients,
- best taken with meals (they are more efficiently absorbed with food and they enhance the assimilation of other food factors).
TGs Formula II: You Will Benefit*
As a dietary supplement to optimize the blood lipid levels, TGs Formula II is recommended for:
- bringing elevated blood triglycerides down to healthy level,
- keeping levels of HDL-"good" cholesterol within healthy range,
- encouraging healthy blood viscosity (the thickness and stickiness of blood - a critical determinant of friction against the vessel walls),
- improving blood flow,
- supporting proper cardiovascular function.
All nutrients are present in specific ratios and amounts in order to correct longer standing imbalances that are known to contribute to elevated blood fat levels..
TGs Formula II
Naturopathic Blood Lipid Support
Dietary Supplement: 90 Vegetarian Capsules
SUPPLEMENT FACTS: Amount Per Serving (3 Capsules) |
Chromium (as Chromium Polynicotinate) |
200 mcg |
Red Yeast Rice |
600 mg |
Policosanols (from Sugar Cane) |
20 mg |
Total Phytosterols (from Soy): |
450 mg |
Beta sitosterol |
180 mg |
Campesterol |
90 mg |
Stigmasterol |
66 mg |
Coenzyme Q10 |
20 mg |
Guggul Lipids Powder |
200 mg |
Artichoke (Leaf) Extract |
100 mg |
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetarian Leucine. |
Contains: Soy |
This product is manufactured in a NSF GMP registered facility in accordance with cGMPs for Nutritional Supplements in accordance with USP 31. The laboratories are ISO 9001:1994 certified and ISO 17025:2005 accredited. Raw materials used in the manufacturing of this product are in full compliance with the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. Raw material safety and quality is ensured by the manufacturer's Supplier Qualification Program.
Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily with food.
Daily amount can be divided between AM and PM, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. |
CAUTION: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any cholesterol-lowering medication, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product. |
FULL OF HEALTH, INC. Since 1996 TGs Formula® II : A Dietary Supplement to Support Cardiovascular Function and the Maintenance of Lipids within Normal Range *
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
Full of Health and TGs Formula are registered trademarks of Full of Health, Inc. |
TGs Formula II: Recommended Intake
Although there is still no consensus regarding the value necessitating initiation of triglyceride drug treatment, according to most physicians, at the triglyceride level:
- over 200 mg/dL (2.3 mmol/L) begins the need for implementation of proper dietary, eating habits, and
- over 300 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) a pharmacological (drug) treatment should be started.
According to some experts, however, blood triglycerides:
- in women with levels above 190 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L) are the most significant predictor of heart disease;
- in males, the danger level starts over 400 mg/dL (4.6 mmol/L).
On the other hand, the triglyceride goal of 70 mg/dL - 100 mg/dL (0.8 mmol/L - 1.1 mmol/L) should be for those who have:
- coronary heart disease,
- diabetes mellitus (type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes), or
- multiple risk factors (elevated blood lipids, high diastolic/minimum blood pressure and cigarette smoking).
It has been documented that by more aggressively treating elevated blood triglycerides, the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) can be significantly reduced.
Therefore, if you are not, and rightly so, a proponent of the pharmacological (drug) treatment - often prompting multiple side effects - you can choose the nutritional way of bringing high blood triglycerides down to healthy levels. As opposed to prescription drugs, taking TGs Formula II is something you can do on your own - and get results.
The following recommendations will help you determine your needs based on your actual blood test results:
I. How to Lower Your Triglycerides Fast
Option #1: Borderline High Triglycerides
If your triglycerides level is between 150 mg/dL and 200 mg/dL, or 1.7 mmol/L - 2.3 mmol/L ("borderline high") - for best results, you should be on TGs Formula II for at least 2 consecutive months, taking one (1) capsule three times daily with substantial meals.
Therefore, you would need at least one (2) bottles of TGs Formula II to improve your next blood test results for triglycerides.
Option #2: High Triglycerides
If your triglycerides level is between 199 mg/dL and 500 mg/dL, or 2.3 mmol/L – 5.6 mmol/L ("high") - for best results, you should be on TGs Formula II for at least 2 consecutive months, taking two (2) capsules three times daily with substantial meals.
Therefore, you would need four (4) bottles of TGs Formula II to improve your next blood test results for triglycerides.
Option #3: Very High Triglycerides
If your triglycerides level is higher than 500 mg/dL, or >5.6 mmol/L ("very high") - for best results, you should be on TGs Formula II for at least 2 consecutive months, taking three (3) capsules three times daily with substantial meals.
Therefore, you would need six (6) bottles of TGs Formula II to improve your next blood test results for triglycerides.
REMEMBER: It has been shown that atherogenic (atheromas-forming) hypertriglyceridemia starts at the triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) initiating degenerative changes in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, for people with levels greater than 150 milligrams per deciliter range, therapeutic lifestyle changes are necessary, such as exercising, losing weight, swapping unhealthy fats for healthy ones, and the like.
- If you are a diabetic, or have a history of a heart attack or stroke, for full benefits, in addition to TGs Formula II you should consider taking a quality supplemental EPA, such as UltraPure Mega EPA.
- If you want to be certain that your gut gets TGs Formula II (and any other supplements you've been taking!) into the bloodstream where it can do its work effectively in bringing your high blood triglycerides down to healthy levels, you should consider taking quality supplemental digestive enzymes, such as XTRAGEST.
II. How to Maintain Your Triglycerides Within Normal Range
Unfortunately, after bringing triglycerides down to a desired level, it is not always easy, or even possible, to maintain them within normal range through the dietary and lifestyle changes alone.
This is where TGs Formula II comes in handy.
Its daily recommended maintenance dose can be deteremined as follows:
- If your best achieved level was under 150 mg/dL, or 1.7 mmol/L), you would need to take only one (1) capsule of TGs Formula II daily.
- If your best achieved level was slightly over 150 mg/dL, or 1.7 mmol/L, you would need to take two (2) capsules of TGs Formula II daily.
- If your best achieved level was slightly under 200 mg/dL, or 2.3 mmol/L, you would need to take three (3) capsules of TGs Formula II daily.
After three (3) consecutive months, you should do a fasting blood test to see the efficacy of this approach.
If your results were satisfactory, you may
- continue the above protocol or discontinue taking TGs Formula II (and relying on the dietary/lifestyle changes alone) for three (3) consecutive months and then repeat the blood test to see how your body responds.
If your results were unsatisfactory, you should
- review your dietary and lifestyle changes and go back for another three (3) consecutive months to the therapeutic intake of TGs Formula II based on the actual level of your blood triglycerides, and then repeat the blood test to see how your body responds.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a diabetic, or have a history of a heart attack or stroke, for full benefits, in addition to TGs Formula II you should consider taking a quality supplemental EPA, such as UltraPure Mega EPA.
The Take-Home Message:
If you really want to maintain your triglycererides within normal range, please follow the above recommendations to the letter.
III. How to Test Properly Your Blood for Triglycerides
Although not necessary for measuring cholesterol, the test for triglycerides should always be done when you are fasting.
Therefore, for 12 to 14 hours before the blood sample is drawn, only water is permitted. In other words, nothing except water is permitted from bedtime until you get your blood work done next morning when a lab opens (it's good to have two cups of water (473 mL) one hour before the collection of blood).
In addition, consumption of alcohol and any vitamin supplements is not permitted for the 24 hours just before the fasting blood work.
If you are currently on antihistamines, antibiotics or cortisone treatment only, you need to call the lab or your doctor for more information on how to proceed.
Why is that?
Anything taken in, other than water during that time, morning coffee or juice, for example, can elevate the triglycerides levels as they change dramatically in response to meals, increasing as much as 5 to 10 times higher than fasting levels just a few hours after eating.
Therefore, when scheduling your triglyceride test you need take your weekend activities into account. Because after a weekend of beer and pizza, or desserts, cakes or ice-cream, your Monday blood work readings can be much higher than on the other days.
Unfortunately, your doctor, even the "highly regarded" one, may have you take a triglyceride blood test without informing you of all factors that might affect the results. You never know when he might be rushed or inexperienced, or simply overly comfortable with a procedure, then end up taking a shortcut at your expense, recommending a drug or an uncomfortable, invasive procedure based solely on a suspect or false test result.
The Take-Home Lesson:
Always ask your doctor for specifics regarding factors that can create false positive or false negative blood test results.
TGs Formula II: Description of Nutrients*
I. HDL-"good" Cholesterol to LDL-"Bad" Cholesterol Ratio Support
- Red Yeast Rice (Monascus porporeus) is an all-natural whole food made from dried fermented rice. Red Rice Yeast naturally helps maintain triglyceride levels within normal ranges and contains unsaturated fatty acids that support the maintenance of serum lipids within normal ranges.
- Chromium is a trace mineral used by the body to regulate HDL-"good" cholesterol- to-LDL-"bad" cholesterol ratios. The Chromium Polynicotinate form ensures maximum bioavailability. The average American diet is chromium deficient.
- Phytosterols are plant steroid alcohols that have been shown to support the maintenance of triglycerides within normal range by blocking the over-absorption of triglycerides. TGs Formula II contains a phytosterol complex from soy that yields 90% phytosterols including 180 mg of Beta-sitosterol.
II. Lipids Synthesis and Circulation
- Policosanol is a complex that has been studied for its ability to reduce triglycerides synthesis by the liver, protect against peroxidation of lipids, aid healthy blood flow and support the maintenance of beneficial HDL cholesterol and triglycerides within normal range.
- Artichoke (Cynara scolymnus) Leaf Extract is a phytonutrient that has been shown to support triglycerides within normal ranges. Cynarin, a compound contained in artichokes, supports the production of bile, which may help the body to excrete cholesterol. Artichoke Leaf Extract helps balance activity of the enzyme responsible for maintaining triglyceride levels within normal ranges.
III. Antioxidant and Blood Viscosity Support
- Guggul lipids contain compounds known as guggul sterones. As antioxidants, they protect against lipid peroxidation.
- Coenzyme Q10 is critical in the generation of cellular energy. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant found in the highest concentrations in the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas.
- TGs Formula II is a great addition to any diet and exercise program that is designed to support the maintenance of HDL-"good" cholestereol and triglycerides within normal healthy ranges.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
TGs Formula II: No Conlict with Prescription Drugs
A concern raised by some clients might be the possibility of conflict between prescription drugs and TGs Formula II. The good news is that there is no conflict. In fact, they can be taken at the same time.
The even better news is that, if you take prescription drugs along with TGs Formula II, you need to be monitored regularly by your physician, as you may need to reduce the amount of the drugs you are taking.
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Phone Assistance
If you would like to discuss your ordering options, please give us a call:
- 1. 705. 304. 6246 (US/Can) Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST (Holidays Excluded).
If there is nobody available to take your call, kindly
. We will get back to you next business day.
PLEASE NOTE: If the e-mail link above doesn't work (an error message) you need to enable (activate) JavaScript in your web browser or install it on your computer.
TGs Formula II: Our Clients Write to Us
I do not expect you to judge the efficacy of TGs Formula II only on anecdotal reports. First, it is very difficult to verify the accuracy of these accounts. Second, you cannot generalize one person's experience to others.
I do believe, however, that all information is valuable when placed in a proper perspective. Although not a substitute for "valid science," personal experiences should be taken into consideration, especially as a means of communicating how some people get well.
February 23rd, 2016
Your TGs Formula works! I had my triglycerides over 400 and now they are less than 150.
I stopped using this Formula for some time and my triglycerides were very high again.
My doctor told me I have to take TGs Formula for the rest of my life, because I am allergic to medications for reducing blood triglycerides. This is my only alternative.
Thank you very much!
Edna V. S.
Puerto Rico
*The testimonial above has been presented as a true story. However, it has not been reviewed by Full of Health and is the opinion of the listed individual.
Hello Andrew,
I thought you would want to know about my latest blood test after taking TGs Formula II and UltraPure Mega EPA:
I. On 5-21-2014:
Cholesterol - 279
Triglycerides - 624
Chol/HDL ratio - 9.0 (it should be 4.5 or less).
II. On 6-24-2014:
Cholesterol - 191
Triglycerides - 236
Chol/HDL ratio - 5.5 (it should be 4.5 or less).
Needless to say, I am very happy! You certainly made my day. I took your previous TGs Formula a few years ago. It worked too, but I developed a phobia about swallowing those big pills...
Thank you Full of Health/Andrew!
Cindy Van L.
*The testimonial above has been presented as a true story. However, it has not been reviewed by Full of Health and is the opinion of the listed individual.
Who says that specialty nutritional supplements do not work? Those, who think that micronutrients are not necessary for our health and that optimum nutrition is not important.
Why do they think and act that way?
Because they don't want to learn and just keep ignoring the impressive results - not only heard about, but also seen and experienced by people who have taken specialty nutritional supplements.
Important Question: How Is Your Digestion?
Take a moment to think about your digestion and ask yourself: "Do I experience any of the symptoms of indigestion?"
If your answer is "Yes" or "Not sure," then consider taking TGs Formula II along with XTRAGEST - or other broad-spectrum quality digestive aid - to ensure that you will fully benefit from it.
Only by optimizing your digestion you can be certain that your gut breaks down the TGs Formula II and gets it into the bloodstream where it can do its work effectively.
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For more information, please call: 1. 705. 304. 6246 (US/Can)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST (Holidays Excluded)
If there is nobody available to take your call, please .
We will get back to you next business day.
©2004-2019 TGs Formula.com: Bring High Triglycerides Down Naturally. Maintain Blood Lipids Within Normal Range & Healthy Levels. A Non-Pharmacological Approach to Hypertriglyceridemia. All Rights Reserved. The information on lowering elevated blood triglycerides and TGs Formul II provided herein is not intended to replace the medical advice. Consult a physician for an advice about any specific condition that may be related to high triglycerides.